Monday, May 28, 2007 9:39 AM

Booo I lost $25 yesterday getting thrashed at poker. :(:( Kt bankrupted me. Hrmph. I must really cut down on gambling. But it's v fun!! K la, $25 for lunch, dinner, apple pie + icecream and 8 hours of entertainment is not bad. Poker is fun! Though I must really stop being so easily baited.

Friday, May 25, 2007 3:28 PM

Wheeee! :):):)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007 9:22 AM

I met dee, glen & beek yest! :):) V sad, it was the first time I met them properly during the hols. We had dinner at ichiban boshi and modestos tiramisu for dessert! Somehow this time the tiramisu fell short. :( Jojoy's tiramisu nicer; it's drenched in some damn nice alcohol. Jojoy can I have your recipe? :):)

And we shopped a little. I nearly bought the white pants from m)phosis but just managed to restrain myself. Must find the perfect pair first. Am on the prowl!

Sunday, May 20, 2007 8:46 PM

Wheeee I had a good weekend. :) Watched Priceless yesterday. I <3 Audrey Tautou! She is all loveliness and charm. And the guy is v cute! In an ugly-but-adorable, damn blur kind of way. And I liked looking at all the clothes they wore, although I thought her dresses all revealed way too much. After the movie, we went down to btc for the welcome tea for the new freshies. Was supp to mingle but v shy. Haha then after that, mj at joel's house! :) Felt qt bad cos he lost qt a lot. But at least I just broke even so I didn't take any money. Heh joel's v nice. We went to his house, won his money, and he still offered to fetch us all back although he could've let us take bus. :)

Popped by Zara today with my mom and there were a lot of happy clothes! Colourful prints on blowy sundresses and retro tunics and Pebbles tees. Summer love. :):)

Then went to the zouk flea market with the law ppl. I bought a spag and a ribbed tee, and jq bought me a happy bag! It's multi-coloured! Yay. Haha I'm actually not supp to buy anything till hk. But according to joanna (chew, not joy), GSS starts next week. Which makes it rather hard for me to keep to my resolution. Damn. Need more tuition!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007 11:42 AM

Spent the entire day playing mj at mich's house yest with mich, sam & jq. Heh I realised that now we're becoming more ambitious and playing bigger and bigger. But it's much more exciting like that. And I lost!!! :( But v fun and addictive; I think I'm playing mj again tonight with joel, peiying & jq. Whee!

Then met the rest at Timbre, where it was packed, so the guys bought beer & food & stuff, and we took the party to jojoy's house. Spent the night just chilling and doing nothing in particular. It's kind of nice to just be together with a bunch of friends and not have to actively seek to do something all together. :):)

Friday, May 18, 2007 12:28 AM

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.

Just got back from a three-day-two-night retreat at Choice Retreat House with law fcg.
It was a very chill kind of retreat - very cosy, and the coordinators were our friends so it was very flexible too. Christine & I even managed to buy shorts when we went out for lunch on Day 1. On Day 2, we watched Man of All Seasons, a movie on the life of St. Thomas Moore, the patron saint of lawyers. It was surprisingly good. In fact, the whole retreat was really good. One of those things I drag my feet to but end up being really glad I attended. :):) Confession is always terrifying but cleansing and comforting in a way that more than makes up for the terror.
God loves us, you know. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:33 PM

For the first time in days...



I wanna be at mich's playing mj with the rest. BUT I shall be guai and stay at home. And whine a lot. And try my best to resist the temptations of online shopping.

3:57 PM

I HATE the weather. Now whenever I go out I have to pin up my fringe and tie my hair. V ah ma / homely but then no choice. Also cannot wear jeans cos either v hot or got puddles everywhere. And then just now I was all ready to go jogging but the moment I stepped out of the house it started raining. -_- Really. HATE the weather.

The first week of hols has been good. :)

- More late night mahjong (we planned to start early end early - and we did, we started at 10am - but we were frantically trying to squeeze in as many games as possible before everyone had to scoot off for various things so we decided to meet back at my house again that night, heh)
- Lots of food (stuffed myself at Crystal Jade; had Korean for like the 2nd time in my entire life; and tried The Soup Spoon, which is a happy place; more yami yogurt)
- Watched Blades of Glory (slapstick comedy but damn funny; think Dodgeball)
- Passed my final theory test! (:
- Bought a Rubik's Cube, after my tutee declared herself a genius for having solved one. It is the most annoying thing ever.

I need a job. I also need my lappie back. No pics now cos it's at the workshop and I don't know how to bluetooth pics to my com.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007 12:30 PM

Holidays make for happy times. Lunch yesterday was walking around eating wherever our stomachs took us - caramel almond pretzel from auntie anne's, spicy italian sausage, portuguese egg tart, bee cheng hiang bak kwa, yami yogurt, crunchy shrimp & clam chowder from ljs. Rounded it off with a root beer float and a vanilla tea latte at the esplanade lib cafe.

This is the life. :)

Met my LAWR tg for dinner to celebrate Laila's birthday! :) My throat was still scratchy but I couldn't resist; shared tom yam seafood soup and green curry chicken with raffli. Haha. And ate icecream birthday cake too. Laila's cake had a green cherry!! Nv see before! But they stuck candles in it and mutilated it before I could try it. :(

Then went down to Weijia's house for his birthday gathering. They were playing pictionary, and Sam & Gary tricked me into joining their team by telling me we were winning! But I later found out the route's reversed so we were actually losing damn badly. -_-

dennis & pak, marking their territory / mich & jon! / christine :) / pak pouting & unnamed lawking, who now refuses to show his face in photos unless i pay him royalties

Monday, May 07, 2007 12:08 AM

EXAMS ARE OVER!! (They were over on fri but I've been too busy to blog.) Say hello to glorious, glorious freedom and waking up past 10. :):) The papers weren't fantastic but they weren't totally traumatizing either. I hope I don't get a huge shock when results come out.

Last days of exams!! JB and I in matching red stripes.
The last time I wore red stripes, jgan was in red stripes too! Haha.

A whole group of us (like 30+ law 1s) trooped down to Brewerkz after crim. Nothing like good food and (relatively) good beer after a gruelling month of condensed lt/contract/crim. Haha it was fri so I ordered the falafel burger but pakganjq laughed at me and refused to try it. :(:( Hmph.

toast. / wanted to say they're breaking a long drought but then i remembered we went to the wine company just days before. / me jojoy caitlin! / risse & gan / eee why is the B cut off. / gang of ten minus a few people / ziyun sharm risse! / caitlin & rachel / zhengx & jb, new couple on the block
jojoy's chilli beef bowl! (shall try that the next time) / some potatoey thing / angel hair pasta / burger with real meat / sundaes for the birthday girl & boy / cake for the birthday girl & boy

zhengx & jb, and mich (not paying attn) / the ganses! and jon. heeee. risse's top is v happy! :) / some of the girls / weijia & dennis!

haha pakwing & caitlin, the birthday boy & girl respectively. haha they are v cute.

After Brewerkz we went to kbox. Haha but I didn't sing. Didn't know any songs! And shyyy. It was qt nice to just sit there and listen though. And watch them dance to ai bu pa. And revel in the fact that I could sit on a couch for hours not reading anything and not feel guilty. My friends have nice voices. :) Went shopping after that but somehow I wasn't really in the mood. Was shopping more for the sake of it, cos I'd been wanting to for weeks. Concluded with risse that we've been online shopping too much, so much so that we can't be bothered to flip through the racks for nice clothes when we're so used to just scrolling down. Ohh and we watched spidey! V v nice, I liked it a lot. I realised I really like superhero movies. Spidey, xmen, starwars, lotr... I'm a total sucker for act-seh guys swinging across buildings / shooting fire / wielding lightsabers / charging on horseback. Whee.

Yesterday was Caitlin's birthday! Haha we celebrated it again. The guys got random strangers in Borders to pass Caitlin her presents, and she was totally clueless. Then we surprised her at Big O!

dennis, zhengx & jb / mich & caitlin! / my v nice mushroom soup / sharm & bailey's cheesecake!
A little more shopping, then Mother's Day dinner with my extended family at Hong Xing. The food was extra nice that night, I ate a lot! And the babies (I still think of them as babies, even though they're already pre-schoolers now) were unbelievably cute, as usual. :):) And we surprised our moms with roses. :):)

After a very satisfying dinner I went to mich's house for mahjong. We had enough people to open two tables! :):) And I won money, heeee. We played till 5am! And by the time I got home and slept it was 7. And I woke up at 3.15pm. WHEEE I'm so loving post-exams. It's v nice to get up and not think omg what time is it am i late? and to be able to roll around in bed for an hour before actually mustering the energy to get up.

My newest highest bowling score: 71. Ball games and me really don't get along.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007 11:21 PM


I'll have you know I came all the way down to school today just to watch you cut your cake! (And play pool badly.) And I think a lot of people did too. So. If we all fail crim, you know what to do. Yay HK! Haha. (:

12:29 AM

Hoho contract is over!! :):) Feeling rather nua. One more paper to go! CRIM. The module I spent a good part of online shopping. :( Ohh well at least it's open book.

Today was good! I slacked a lot today. After contract, we trooped down to the french cafe at serene centre for lunch... Though I liked the soup and the potatoes and the fact that they serve warm bread, I found the food pretty disappointing overall. Pasta not much taste and the pork unpronouncable-thingum was rubbery and had this overwhelming pork smell/taste.

Heh. Went back to school and played mahjong in the lounge, then watched people play mj while I tried to study, but I only managed like 4 pages of crim cos mj is v v distracting. :( THEN went jogging!!! Jogged past the tudor place at Tanglin! Haha I feel qt lousy, jogged 20 min then v tired alr had to stop. BUT I was jogging with mich and the guys. So faster. After a while we all got lazy and decided to walk around botanics. Heee quite fun. Swan Lake is v v pretty. And the place with the jailed bonsais had v cute stone stools! (: And we walked through evolution garden, the place of prehistoric pond scum and engine students. Haha.

Bathed, then had dinner at The Wine Company. 8/11 of us ordered char kway teow, which I find qt funny. Yay I shall try caitlin's mushroom pasta thing next time. :)

PICTURES! Haha picasa cut out the sides so if you want the full pics, just msg me online. And hopefully I'll be able to drink next time. :)

21, in law school and loving it (most of it, at least). a sucker for white roses and fairytale endings, snail mail and pretty cupcakes. emo songs are soul food. tea and chocolate are staples. food is happy stuff. everyone should read to kill a mockingbird and the desiderata, and watch amelie, and bake bread just for the smell of it. walking at night is nice, sometimes.

hello there :)

the tribe

my past
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credits to
basecodes: detonatedlove
design: shiroyasha
Resources: The pic is just inside my com and i really have no idea where i got it from. If it's yours please drop a message so that i can credit you. Thanks!