Wednesday, July 30, 2003 2:35 PM

The unthinkable has happened: I'm sad to announce, in all solemnity, that our dear friend Jia Yan has crossed over to... the dark side.

Yes. Truly and honestly. She has hopped off the Good Ship R/Hr and into the sea full of big bad H/Hr sharks. What is the world coming to!?!

And she claims that it's Sushi's fault. And that she was forced.

... How can anyone be forced to have bad taste?

As her friend, however, I will brave the forces of evil and counsel Jy. I'll load her with fics and evidence and theories and pictures and all that lovely Ron/Hermione goodness. For her own good, of course. Just think, how grateful she will be ten years from now when she sees the light. Of course, there'll be deep emotional scars and all that, but at least she'll be safe.

I conclude that sitting with Eeling is potentially bad for one's mental health.

Sunday, July 27, 2003 8:23 AM

Ooh. I had an interesting dream last night.

I dreamed that I attended Harry and Ginny's wedding which, for some reason, was in the National Stadium, on the benches where we sat and cheered two Wednesdays ago. Anyway, I was one of their bridesmaids [along with Hermione!] so I had to go up and present Ginny with a little porcelain cup. I suppose it's Wizard tradition or something. But the problem was, I was doing a worksheet on Chinese New Year when it was my turn to go up, so I stuffed the worksheet in the cup and hoped that no one would see. But then when I handed the cup to Ginny, she asked me the symbolism of not wearing black, so I had to take out the worksheet. And then she said something about 'discrepancies', and I wondered what it meant, and immediately I was transported to the school hall, where this LD girl pointed to a pair of twins and muttered something about discrepancies.

When I woke up I went to check the dictionary. It's supposed to mean something like the differences in things that are supposed to be identical. And I realised that my dream was trying to teach me something!

Wow. I'm quite impressed.

Saturday, July 26, 2003 12:03 PM

Thank you, Sense & Sensibility, for if not for you I would have been mighty nervous indeed.

Wednesday, July 23, 2003 8:40 PM

Oh wow. Oh wow. I am utterly floored.

Look at this.

I am really, really awed. Rah, you have to have to go and see. Really, I'm almost breathless with admiration. Alright, that's an exaggeration but still. I'm actually whimpering.

The whole site is just lovely.

Tuesday, July 22, 2003 2:50 PM

It occurred to me that I'd been over-spending lately, and also that most of the money I spend is on books and food, so yesterday I decided to count the amount of money I'd spent on books this year.

Well, anyone who knows me well - all right, any acquaintance - would know about my book-fetish, and would also know that I spend a horrendous amount of money on books, and have zero self-control when it comes to buying them.

I spent two hundred dollars on books so far this year. TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS.

You know, that's a whole lot of money. It isn't something I'm proud to be admitting. Also, yesterday it was exactly two hundred days into the year 2003. That means that I've spent a dollar each day on books.

Wow. See, that's why I won't be buying any books except on my birthday [birthday present, you see] and then no more till after O's. Right.

Monday, July 21, 2003 3:10 PM

I am trying to decide whether I'm going to be nice to the rest of the people aboard the Good Ship R/Hr and give Ron to Hermione or be selfish and have Ron all to myself. :)

3:08 PM

A few words of encouragement to myself:

You can do it. Four months more and you'll be free. Either that or you'll be dead. Pick one; it's not so hard a choice, is it? You just have to psych yourself up, work hard now and never again for the six months after the dratted O's. It'll be fine. You'll be fine. Just push yourself now, you're only going to have this one chance, don't screw it up. Don't get distracted; you'll only regret it later. Please, dear, try your best just this once and I promise, you can laugh for the rest of your life.

Sunday, July 20, 2003 7:32 PM

Ooh!, you lovely thing, you're back!! I missed you so. :( It was a three-day hiatus, but still 'twas a sad three-day hiatus.

Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Saturday, July 19, 2003 12:41 PM

A survey stolen from Nita, who stole it from Storm, who got it from Milla. :)

1. What books are your comfort reading -- the ones you slink back to in times of
Harry Potter. The 'Alice' series by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.

2. What was your favorite book as a child, and why?
Baby Sitter's Club, Sweet Valley [Twins/Twins-and-Friends/Unicorns], The Naughtiest Girl In School series. I enjoyed fun, light reading about friendship.

3. What was your favorite book as an adolescent, and why?
Sweet Valley [Junior-High/High/University/Elizabeth/Sagas], the 'Alice' series, Going On Sixteen.

4. What is the most-unread category of books gathering dust on your bookshelf -- the books you've bought but just never got around to reading?
Not actually a whole category. Skipped Parts; bought it at a school book fair and got bored of it.

5. What kind of books would you like to say you read, but never do?
... Shakespeare. And John Steinback. And epic novels. They're supposed to be good and all, but I just don't see the charm.

6. What's the oddest book you ever read?
Don't-remember-the-title-except-that-for-the-word-'fish' by someone-whose-name-begins-with-'A'. Can't remember much about it, only that it was incredibly weird and also not at all fascinating. And also another book about this girl named Tulip who drowned kittens. Very morbid. -shudder- It so creeped me out.

7. What book were you never able to get through, despite the recommendations of people you respect?
Jane Eyre. Borrowed it twice from the library, forced myself through half of it, gave up.

8. What's the book it took you a couple of tries to get into, but was as good as promised once you finally made it?
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The first chapter was incredibly boring; the rest of it was wonderful. And also Gone With The Wind.

9. What's your favorite short story . . . or do you even have one?
... Don't have one. Sorry.

10. The desert island. Three books (and collected works don't count; if you want *Lord of the Rings* it'll cost you all three slots). Go:
Going On Sixteen. A Walk To Remember. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Friday, July 18, 2003 8:43 PM

I'll Never Tell

A filk by Heidi Tandi & Cassandra Claire to the tune of I'll Never Tell from BUFFY Once More With Feeling
RON (Speaking)
Well, I can do an Alohamora, I've almost got that...

HERMIONE (music)
This is the man that I've known since our first schoolday
Isn't he fine?
My claims to fame were in class and library
Top marks mine!
But I've got all my N.E.W.T.s
And I admit, he's sort of cute
The only trouble is - -
I'll never tell.

She is the one
With smarts and such fun
No time will she waste
Excellent teeth and her hair in a band's - -
Embrace! Tight embrace!
I'll never let her go
The love we've known can only grow
There's just one thing that - -
No. I'll never tell.

Cause there's nothing to tell.

She's bossy, she's swotty

His face is really spotty

She's hanging out with Malfoy, who I so despise

I'm gone - he doesn't miss me

She'd rather read than kiss me

He doesn't listen when I say I don't care about size

The vibe gets kind of scary

Like, she thinks I'm ordinary

Like, it's all just temporary

Like, her toes are kind of hairy

But it's all very well
Cause, God knows, I'll never tell!

When things get scary
He just hides behind his Harry
Now look he's getting wary
'Cause he knows that I know.

To clever by half,
Never makes me laugh
She nev - -

He acts like such an ass

This is my verse, hello?
She - -

Hey, look at me! I'm making confetti!

You know

You're really helpful

And Pig's delightful

You're the cutest in our class
With your eyes as clear as glass
And your firm, yet supple - -
Tight embrace!

He's swell

She's sweller

He'll always be my feller

That's why I'll never tell her that I petrified

I've read this tale
There's wedding, then betrayal
And I know someday I'll want to run to Harry's side

I've lied
I've said it's easy
I've tried

I even tried a love spell

Is she really looking right past me?

Why is Harry all that I can see?

Will our lives become too stressful if I'm never that successful?

Will I always feel uneasy with those One Big Happy Weasleys?

Is she crazy?
I'm a cheater!

Will I marry a Death Eater?

We can really raise the beam in making marriage a hell!
So, thank God, I'll never tell!
I swear, that I'll never tell

My lips are sealed

No Veritass-

Nothing to see
Move it along

I'll never

8:38 PM


I don't go online for three days, the last time being Tuesday [a considerable feat for me, by the way], and when I'm back online, all ready for fbf-ing [glen will know: ficcing, blogging, forum-ing], is not working.

It just... isn't. Now how is that possible? I can't even get to the main page! Granted, there's always the Sugar Quill, and The Astronomy Tower and Checkmated! and such, but still, is the place for fanfiction!

Work, please. Work!

3:52 PM

:) Xiaoyan should find this interesting.

You are Nimue, otherwise known as the Lady of the
Lake. Nimue was seen as both a sorceress and a
goddess, she was very much a free spirit and a
beautiful and powerful enchantress.

Which Lady of Camelot Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm Mrs. Remus Lupin

The HP Male Marriage Quiz
made by Sapphire.

Sunday, July 13, 2003 10:35 PM

Xi Jie's birthday party was a blast.

Today, I believe, was the best fun I've had in a long long time.

I shall not elaborate more, because I've already written [written!!!] it all down in my diary [not Tom Riddle's], except to say that this party will not be forgotten by me. Ever. It's just one of those fond memories of secondary school that I'll cherish forever. The costumes, the role-playing [that just sounded... really bad.], the running around barefoot, the acting-like-nothing-happened-when-we-found-a-clue. Also the laughter, the friendship, the girlish fun. I'll miss that in JC. I'll miss it a lot. Imagine attending an all-girls school for a good ten years of your life and then barging into a mixed environment. It won't be easy.

Anyway, I want to say that the last time I was online was Friday, which is something of a record for me. And the next time I'll go online will be Tuesday, cos tomorrow will be taken up by studying for Tuesday's THREE TESTS besides watching FRIENDS at ten.

And, oh yeah, I'm grounded till August. So will not be having a social life at all till then. Am rather grateful for it, though. Am in serious lack of energy, brain cells, knowledge and funds. Must ration.

THANKS Lynn! THANKS Dezie! For the wonderful party. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Xi Jie!

Saturday, July 12, 2003 7:35 AM

Which [Rainbow Colours] are you?

Which [Movie Genres] are you?

With Which Harry Potter Male Are You Most Sexually Compatible?

brought to you by Quizilla



Empaths posess the ability to feel the emotions of others. They are gentle people, who encourage and nurture others. They percieve the world with their hearts and not with their minds. Empaths make great friends because they understand people.



Futuretellers have an uncanny knack of knowing what is going to happen, well before anybody else. Alot of futuretellers have truedreams, whereas some, like Brydda, have what they call a 'sixth sense'. Futuretellers are usually very quiet, and reserved, yet they are loyal and trustworthy.
is your Misfit Talent?

Which Season are you?

Monday, July 07, 2003 5:09 PM

Just over an hour ago, I was at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf with my mom, drinking Vanilla Tea while she delicately sipped a Cafe Latte. The Vanilla Tea was so lovely - I must order it more often - all milky white and frothy and sweet. The whole place seemed so posh, though I've been there at least a dozen times. It was probably all the polished wooden panels and plush red sofas that set the atmosphere, but I somehow I felt so grown-up.

It occurred to me that perhaps ten years from now, I might be in a real French bistro, somewhere along a chain of trendy eateries in Paris, drinking coffee [maybe by then I'd have learnt to appreciate coffee, bitter and yucky as it is], liquid French flowing from my tongue as I converse with my business-associate-cum-good-friend. You know, the sort whom I would be stonily aloof to at corporate meetings and such, but whom I'd spend the whole weekend shopping and giggling with. It'd be such fun.

-wistful sigh- All right. Who wants to learn French after O'levels? I do. Or Japanese. I really don't mind either. Any takers?

Sunday, July 06, 2003 9:10 PM

I spent a good part of today watching Moulin Rouge and sobbing over it. Probably making up for lost tears because the first time I watched it, I scarcely cried, if at all. In fact, jy and I laughed when Christian was bawling at the end.

I feel quite bad about it now. Was really very touched by the whole love thing. [And that last line just sounded so sarcastic, didn't it? If so, I didn't mean the sarcasm. I really was touched.] I don't know why I didn't see the beauty the first time I watched it. Every five minutes or so I would go 'Christian!' or 'No! No! He loves you!' or something along those lines, and clutch the pillow each time the stupid duke with the ugly blonde moustache appeared.

Thankfully my parents and my sister were at my aunt's house, so I could be relatively alone. I don't particularly enjoy crying with spectators around. On a more negative note, all that crying gave me a splitting headache and swollen eyes. So I went to sleep, and when I got up -surprise! surprise!- it was dinnertime. Suffice to say, I didn't get a single ounce of stuyding done today.

Great job, Cheryl.

"The greatest thing
you'll ever learn
is just to love
and be loved in return."

Thursday, July 03, 2003 8:20 PM

This morning on my way to school I saw a group of crows gathered in a tight circle in the middle of the road, pecking at something. I just assumed that they had found a scatter of crumbs or something. Then a van came piling along the road, right at the group of crows. I watched them and, one by one, they flew off, obviously reluctant to leave their precious food, and fortunately did not get run over. And then I saw something that, when I force myself to think of it now, makes me want to hurl. It was a dead rat, big and brown and furry, lying spread-eagle on the road. Thinking of it now still gives me a horrid feeling. Like a dementor has just swept by.

On a brighter note, I walked home today. Despite the fact that I am by nature a lazy person and don't like exercise in any shape or form, I actually enjoy it. I don't do it on Wednesday and Friday afternoons; the weather right during dismissal time is at its worse; all sun and no lovely breeze to compensate for it. Today after cca my dad was unable to fetch me home because he was still at work, but then he changed his mind and called to offer me a lift home, which I then turned down.

The route I take home is a downhill path, scattered with trees, along Catholic High Primary. Walking in the evening is a refreshing experience. It's still bright, but not glaringly so; you don't see the sun, but you know it's there. It isn't windy, but somehow you don't feel hot, and I think of a lot of random things when I'm walking. It's rather uplifting.

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 9:30 AM

To add to my wishlist-post, I have decided that I want a typewriter.

Yes, a real, old-fashioned, authentic typewriter that goes clickety-click, like the one Christian uses in Mouline Rouge, and the one Paul Varjack uses in Breakfast At Tiffany's.

I don't think they're too expensive. Problem is, I don't know where they're sold anymore.

Anyone has any ideas where I can get one? And yeah, my birthday is in about two-and-a-half months time.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003 11:22 AM


You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at!

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?

21, in law school and loving it (most of it, at least). a sucker for white roses and fairytale endings, snail mail and pretty cupcakes. emo songs are soul food. tea and chocolate are staples. food is happy stuff. everyone should read to kill a mockingbird and the desiderata, and watch amelie, and bake bread just for the smell of it. walking at night is nice, sometimes.

hello there :)

the tribe

my past
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credits to
basecodes: detonatedlove
design: shiroyasha
Resources: The pic is just inside my com and i really have no idea where i got it from. If it's yours please drop a message so that i can credit you. Thanks!